Help & Support

Q: How can I contact 8TH SIN for customer support?

A: You can reach out to us through email at We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Q: What is the return policy at 8TH SIN?

A: We do not offer returns.

Q: What should I do if my order arrives damaged or defective?

A: If you receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect item, please inspect your order upon delivery and contact us immediately. We will evaluate the issue and make it right. Please reach out to us at with details and any supporting evidence. 

Q: Can I return personalized or custom-made items?

A: Unfortunately, personalized or custom-made items cannot be returned. We also do not accept returns for perishable goods, hazardous materials, flammable liquids, or gases. If you have any concerns about your item, please contact us at for further assistance.

Q: Can I exchange an item for a different one?

A: No, we do not offer exchanges of any product.